The Philip Morant School & College prides itself on being an inclusive mainstream school. The 2014 SEND Code of Practice outlines four categories of need that include a range of difficulties.
The Philip Morant School & College is committed to offering an inclusive curriculum to ensure the best possible progress for all of our students. We believe that all learners, irrespective of their starting point or the challenges they face, have the right to a broad and balanced curriculum.
We strive to ensure that all students are able to engage in all aspects of school life. We provide a range of support in order to facilitate this and regularly review the needs of students in order to provide the right support.
Our learning support team aims to accurately identify students with special educational needs involving external professionals where appropriate and provide support strategies to enable staff to meet the needs of these students across the curriculum.
We are committed to working with the parents of children and work hard to understand how we can best support individual needs.
At The Philip Morant School & College, each child who is placed on our Special Educational Needs (Inclusion) Register will:
If necessary, they may:
Key staff
To get in touch with a member of the SENCO team please email, for the attention of the SENCO team or call the school on 01206 545222.
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