Please be advised that Philip Morant School & College will always try to stay open. However, should we be subject to severe weather or other serious risks to safety, it may be necessary to close the school. The decision to close the school is a last resort on health and safety grounds, taking into consideration the number of staff who are able to make it into work as well as the implications for parents who may have to arrange childcare.
Many of our staff travel long distances into school and when roads are blocked they are unable to get here. Whenever possible, we will endeavour to protect examinations, however this occasionally proves impossible. Conditions can vary considerably from one area to another and so responsibility for decisions about an individual school on any particular day rests with the school, not the Local Authority.
We always try to make that decision before 7am to allow as much notice as possible for arrangements to be made. The school will try to notify parents of any school closure by email or text and via our website.
Please note the following:-
- Local radio stations no longer announce or publicise via their websites the school closure lists.
- Essex County Council has introduced a new school closure notification system for parents via their website at
- Closure lists on the council website will constantly update as and when notifications are received.
- The school will attempt to text all parents depending on the circumstances.
- The school’s website will be updated with any school closure information.