Philip Morant School and College Local Governance Committee
The Local Governance Committee (LGC) plays an important role in providing insight into the community , the opportunities and the challenges that a school faces in its local community. A committee consists of a minimum of nine members with at least two elected parents and two staff members, including the Headteacher.
The LGC meetings are held every term with Governors taking on specific areas of responsibility to visit a school regularly and gather feedback across areas of the school such as curriculum, behaviour, safeguarding or safety. The Chairs of LGC meet with the Chair of the Trust and the CEO on a termly basis.
Philip Morant School & College are proudly supported by a dedicated group of volunteer local Governors who operate as a joint LGC.
If you are interested in becoming a member of the Local Governance Committee, please contact the Clerk to the LGC by email on
The duties of the LGCs include:
- Establishing the vision and ethos for the relevant academy ensuring that it fits within and promotes the vision and ethos of the Trust.
- Safeguarding and promoting the values of the Academy
- Supporting the Headteacher of the Academy and being a critical friend
- Monitoring the achievement, quality of teaching and behaviour and safety within the Academy
- Engagement with the Academy’s key stakeholders e.g. parents/carers, pupils and staff
- Advising the Trustees about local issues they need to consider that affect the Academy
Click here for more information on the Philip Morant Local Governance Committee and for full details of the governance of The Sigma Trust including The Scheme of Delegation and Articles of Association are available on the Sigma Trust website.