Please click the links below to view the School & College Summer 2025 Exam Timetables
Students sitting examinations or completing assessed work in 2024/ 2025 should be aware of the information included below. Each document outlines rules and regulations in relation to a particular examination or mode of assessment.
24-25 Information to Candidates – Coursework
24-25 Information to Candidates – Non-Examination Assessments
24-25 Information to Candidates – Social Media
24-25 Information to Candidates – Written Exams
24-25 Unauthorised Items Poster
24-25 Warning to Candidates Poster
KS4 & 16-18 Qualifications 24-26
Certificates for the summer examination series are issued in November. You will be contacted with a date for collection. Please do not come to collect your certificates before this date as they will not be available.
On collecting your certificates, please come to reception and bring with you a form of ID.
If you wish for someone to collect your certificates on your behalf, they must bring a letter, signed by you, authorising them to collect them. They must also bring a form of photo ID.
Certificates will not be posted home.
It is very important that you claim and safely store your certificates. You will be required to provide them in the future for things such as university and job applications.
Centres are required to hold certificates for 12 months after the date of issue after which time they can be destroyed.
Although centres can destroy unclaimed certificates 12 months after the date of issue, if you did not collect your certificates following your exams, it is worth contacting the exams office to see whether your certificates are still in school.
If the school still has your certificates, the exams office will leave them at reception for you to collect. You will need to provide a form of photo ID or a written consent for someone to collect them on your behalf as above.
If you picked up your original certificates from school but have consequently lost them, or the school no longer holds copies of your certificates, you will need to request replacement certificates. To do this, you will need to contact each exam board, with which you sat exams, and request a replacement certificate. If you are unsure which exam boards you used, please contact the exams office who may be able to help you depending on the date you sat your exams..
Should you require replacement certificates, you will be responsible for contacting exam boards and requesting them as well as paying for replacements. Replacement certificates cost roughly £40 per certificate. Not all exam boards provide replacements, some provide ‘Statement of Results’.
Although the school cannot supply you with replacement certificates, they may be able to provide you with a statement of results. If you have lost your certificates, but simply require your grades, please contact the exams office who may be able to help you depending on when you left school..
Useful Contacts
AQA Replacement Certificate Information
OCR Replacement Certificate Information
Pearson Replacement Certificate Information
WJEC Replacement Certificate Information