Non Uniform Day
Charity Week
We are delighted to reinstate the tradition at Philip Morant School and College of running charity weeks. We will be starting small and will build this over time. We start the year with year 11’s plan for the first charity week. The student leadership team has chosen to support the Colchester Foodbank this year.
Friday 20th October will be a non-uniform day. Please remember pupils must be appropriately dressed, the exact guidelines for this will be shared with students and will be in their google classroom should you wish to check them.
Those wishing to take part in the non uniform day should pay £1 via ParentPay and/or bring in an item to donate to the local food bank.
Items in demand at the Foodbank are listed below –
- Small bags of rice
- Long-life milk or juice
- Carrier bags/reusable bags
- Squash
- Tinned fruit, tomatoes, potatoes or puddings
- Tins or packets of custard
- Jam/Peanut butter
- Small jars of coffee
- Small washing powder/liquid
- Small multipack snacks – e.g. Penguins, Clubs, Twix