We had a great morning celebrating our students’ fantastic GCSE Results on 22nd August.
Congratulations to Peter and Calvin our top performers at GCSE this year. Peter has achieved six grade 9s securing the De Neumann mathematics scholarship at the Royal Hospital School. Peter and his family have thanked the staff who worked with Peter for their support, enthusiasm and encouragement and we look forward to seeing what the future holds.

Calvin has achieved seven grade 9s losing only one mark in total on his maths GCSE. He is going to Colchester Royal Grammar School to study A level Computer Science, Maths, Chemistry and Physics.

Our head prefects, Tarek, Kanzi and Nola have shown that they can support the school community alongside their studies with a great set of results between them. Throughout the year they have been such excellent ambassadors for the school and a key part of our community forum. They leave a legacy of not only good grades but the impact they have had on the school community.